quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2008

A lot of coughing

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Bach in Lisbon (2008-02-14)
I just finished playing my Bach marathons here in Lisbon, Portugal. It was the third time I have performed as part of the Piano Series in the Auditorium of the Gulbenkian Foundation. The large audience was on its feet at the end of Book II. When I started the first concert, the coughing was terrible, and then in the first pause after the fourth Fugue, a man in the audience yelled out something in Portuguese which of course I didn't understand, but for sure everybody heard it! I was later told that he said what I thought he had said: "Stop coughing so we can hear the music!" because after that they were considerably quieter. I hate to go on about that, but it makes such a huge difference not just to how I feel, but to the whole atmosphere in a hall. Silence is golden. A lot of coughing, I am sure, comes from a lack of concentration on the part of the listener. Enough about that. For the first time, I had a few hours to see something of Lisbon and the surrounding area, and the weather was warm and sunny. A quick trip to Sintra and along the coast with friends was very enjoyable. My former piano teacher, Jean-Paul Sevilla, came all the way to Lisbon for these concerts, and I was very happy to have him present in the hall.

(Angela Hewitt - no seu site oficial)

4 comentários:

  1. É que nós por cá temos um problema crónico de alergia.

    sonia a.

  2. Que se agrava nos concertos.

  3. Os problemas de hiperactividade / falta de concentração / dificuldade de atenção concentração não se verificam só na Escola. Chamem-lhe o que quiserem, mas parece-me é que o público português (apesar de todos os esforços) continua a não estar bem-educado :(

  4. será azado estabelecer uma analogia entre os tossantes e os não pagantes e bilhetes - entenda-se toda aquela imensa minoria bafejada pela alergia borlística?

    porventura leram algo do estilo inginharia em 3 pinceladas técnicas em fascículos do De Agostini, mas aplicada à musica: para a erudita - sempre com Vison - tossir sempre, sempre (nas pausas e a meio dos andamentos); para o jazz bater sempre palmas, mesmo que não se saiba o que é um solo ou um réo ou um mie.

    Só me admira ela não ter feito referência ao sapateado temporal. deve ter sido um dia de inundação e a prole burguesa trocou o sapatinho de cabedal e tacão pela galochinha da moda(burberrys top), que sempre abafa um bocadinho o barulho do temporal).
